It’s almost time for our current MD, Andy Galloway, to hand the mantel over to son Matt as he enjoys his retirement. Before he hits the crosswords (Andy’s input on crosswords – never done a crossword in my life and no plans to start now ???? so how about DIY meaning “don’t involve yourself”??) we grabbed him to ask a few questions about his time at the helm.

Meet the team: Andy Galloway
Time at Galloways:
I’ve been at Galloways for 37 years all in. I started on the 5th April 1982, the same day Arthur Scargill became President of the NUM……both supposedly “jobs for life” !!! I think it’s fair to say I’ve outlasted him??
Job title:
Managing Director… very soon to be Deputy Chairman
What does that mean in real terms?
The buck stops here…….or starts here ??
Best bit of the job?
Developing young talent. Seeing them arrive wet behind the ears and helping them to thrive in to successful business people. In particular, it’s been a privilege to watch my son Matt develop to the point where he will take over as MD from January.
The most memorable/amusing/crazy print request you’ve ever had?
I’ve seen them all – but some of the best:
When I had to go to a client’s car park with him to be shown the “actual colour of blue” he wanted……….it happened to be the colour blue when his car lights were on beam!!
Being told by the buyer at BHS that she wanted the photograph to look like the couple had just got out of bed on a Sunday morning and left the crumbs from their breakfast in bed !! Of course, it was obvious what she meant?
A prestigious project dragged on for a year and foolishly I said to the buyer that I would drive it to Switzerland myself to make sure it was delivered on time. Incidents at the borders led to some interesting stories but the client was delighted……….and we were paid before we got home !!
Is print dead?
Definitely not, as a beautifully printed piece of print will make a longer lasting impression than anything digital. We have to recognise that print has to fight with a lot more marketing alternatives than previously but is still welcome in the overall marketing package.
What’s the way forward for print?
We must be relevant to today’s buyer, becoming a trusted partner who offers advise where required
A little-known fact about yourself?
I did have hair once !
Completed a parachute jump …………and never done a marathon.!
What’s your super power?
World Champion Worrier!
What’s the one piece of advice you would offer the new MD?
Whilst customers are always vital to any business, it is equally important to develop significant relations with key suppliers. I am delighted to say that some of my valued friendships in business are suppliers.
With regard to Galloways staff I believe we have built an extremely strong team and their individual efforts and commitment lead to the delivery of “going that extra mile”.
What will retirement have in store for you?
I plan to develop the new role as Deputy Chairman as a mentor who is available whenever needed (without interfering) and to oversee a smooth transition to Matt and his team. Always on hand to offer software technical advice if no one else is available !!!