Print is dead; long live print
China developed the earliest form of printing, the woodblock, around 200CE. The advent of printing presses in Europe, including the UK, during the 1400s, paved the way for an information age of its own. Printed texts became more widely available, not just for the wealthy. Lower class lifestyles improved drastically, as people educated themselves with this new wealth of material.
Other historical print methods included lithography, an early form of printing we still use today; the Rotary Press; Offset; and Screen Printing. Print has always been important.
Print media is considered by all demographics, including Millennials, as more trustworthy than its digital counterpart. It takes time and effort to create and publish printed content. This engenders greater feelings of trust, than do the instant and disposable nature of digital content.
With more businesses relying on their online presence, printed content can be a marketing advantage.
The physicality of print media draws attention, and is memorable. It has longevity, it has permanence. Print is easier to read than digital media, and you can fit more information on a page than in social media content. Advertisement recall is 1.7 times higher with print, and more likely to drive action than its digital media counterpart.
Digital media can never match the tactility of print media. Print is more engaging, and advancing technologies mean print media can now stir all the senses. Paper weight, thickness, and quality are important, and can be used to enhance to value of the products and services they detail. Specialist tactile printing methods, such as die-cutting and engraving, are possible. Galloways has even produced fragranced print media, for the ultimate print experience. Print offers an opportunity to disconnect from the frenetic world and immerse yourself in the moment.
Contrary to the trend suggested by the rise of digital, print media is very much alive. In this busy digital era, printed materials have the potential to be more potent and effectual than ever before.
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